I Am Joe's...


I am Joe's Brain, so essentially I am Joe. I am one of the larger organs in this body and by far am the most complex. I have 100 billion plus nerves that can interact in trillions of different ways. I'm always in the best shape because I workout daily. In general I am typically a pink-gray color with lots of wrinkles, the more wrinkles the smarter I am. I live in the skull, which keeps me safe.

My Job

I am a part of the nervous system but I run everything in the body, sometimes without thinking about it. I can make the legs walk, the mouth talk, and I can give you nightmares or not even let you sleep. I depend on the lungs to pump oxygen to me so I can think properly. I have several lobes, each with different tasks. The frontal lobes solve problems, and are in charge of motor functions. My parietal lobes are incharge of sensation, handwriting, and body positions. Temporal lobes keep the memories, and the occipital lobes let you see things.

Diseases and Problems

As the brain, I can seriously mess you up. Traumatic experience or not, I can come with depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar, eating disorders, paranoia, OCD, schizophrenia, and so many other disorders. Not to mention if you've experienced trauma, you can have all sorts of ptsd. These mental illnesses can affect your perception, physical health, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. In conclusion, I am the best and worst part of your body. I am everything about you, and then some. I make you walk and talk, but I also make you feel.


(Image from University of Queensland)

(Image from ThoughtCo)